July 5, 2023

คอร์ด เนื้อเพลง Hymn To Christ The King Sarah Hart Josh Blakesley Ike Ndolo Sarah Kroger Chordza


คอร์ด เนื้อเพลง Hymn To Christ The King Sarah Hart Josh Blakesley Ike Ndolo Sarah Kroger Chordza

Oh we were wandering in the dark; We had lost our hope and way.

And we were restless in our hearts; how we needed to be saved.

And so to rescue all your own you sent to us your only son.

A light to fall, a peace to bring: the coming of our Christ, the King.

The Word made flesh, the light from light, A cry that pierced our endless noise.

A child to speak into our pain, restoring unto us our joy.

To teach our hearts and heal our wounds, replace our doubt with heaven’s truth.

The broken, healed; the lost, redeemed: The beauty of our Christ, the King.

Though heaven’s glory he had shown, All our praises turned to scorn.

The gift of mercy that he gave, We returned with cross and thorn.

Yet to the end, he loved us still, Surrendered to the Father’s will.

Forgiveness was his of - fer-ing: The mercy of our Christ, the King.

And though they laid him in the tomb, In the silence of the grave;

No stone could keep the love of God from the ones he came to save.

And so in power and radiant light He vanquished death and rose to life.

Now with the heavens I shall sing the glory of our Christ the King
