June 17, 2014

คอร์ด เนื้อเพลง Let Me Entertain You Robbies Williams Chordza

คอร์ด เนื้อเพลง Let Me Entertain You Robbies Williams Chordza

Hell is gone and heaven's here There's nothing left for you to fear Shake your arse come over here Now scream I'm a burning effigy Of everything I used to be You're my rock of empathy, my dear So come on let me entertain you Let me entertain you Life's too short for you to die So grab yourself an alibi Heaven knows your mother lied Mon cher Separate your right from wrongs Come and sing a different song The kettle's on so don't be long Mon cher So come on let me entertain you Let me entertain you Look me up in the yellow pages I will be your rock of ages Your see through fads and your crazy phrases yeah Little Bo Peep has lost his sheep He popped a pill and fell asleep The dew is wet but the grass is sweet, my dear Your mind gets burned with the habits you've learned But we're the generation that's got to be heard You're tired of your teachers and your school's a drag You're not going to end up like your mum and dad So come on let me entertain you Let me entertain you Let me entertain you He may be good he may be outta sight But he can't be here so come around tonight Here is the place where the feeling grows You gotta get high before you taste the lows So come on Let me entertain you Let me entertain you So come on let me entertain me Let me entertain you Come on come on come on come on

คอร์ด เนื้อเพลง Eternity Robbies Williams Chordza

คอร์ด เนื้อเพลง Eternity Robbies Williams Chordza

Close your eyes so you don't fear them They don't need to see you cry I can't promise I will heal you But if you want to I will try I'll sing this somber serenade The past is done We've been betrayed It's true Someone said the truth will out I believe without a doubt, in you You were there for summer dreaming And you gave me what I need And I hope you find your freedom For eternity... For eternity Yesterday when you were walking We talked about your mum and dad What they did that made you happy What they did that made you sad We sat and watched the sun go down Picked a star before we lost the moon Youth is wasted on the young Before you know it's come and gone to soon You were there for summer dreaming And you gave me what I need And I hope you find your freedom For eternity... For eternity For eternity I'll sing this somber serenade The past is done We've been betrayed It's true Youth is wasted on the young Before you know it's come and gone to soon You were there for summer dreaming And you are a friend indeed And I hope you find your freedom For eternity You were there for summer dreaming And you are a friend indeed And I know you'll find your freedom Eventually For eternity For eternity

คอร์ด เนื้อเพลง Feel Robbies Williams Chordza

คอร์ด เนื้อเพลง Feel Robbies Williams Chordza

Come and hold my hand I wanna contact the living Not sure I understand This role I've been given I sit and talk to God And he just laughs at my plans My head speaks a language I don't understand I just wanna feel Real love feel the home that I live in Cos I got too much life Running through my veins Going to waste I don't wanna die But I ain't keen on living either Before I fall in love I'm preparing to leave her Scare myself to death That's why I keep on running Before I've arrived I can see myself coming I just wanna feel Real love feel the home that I live in Cos I got too much life Running through my veins Going to waste And I need to feel Real love and the love ever after I can not get enough I just wanna feel Real love feel the home that I live in I got too much love Running through my veins To go to waste I just wanna feel Real love and the love ever after There's a hole in my soul You can see it in my face It's a real big place Come and hold my hand I wanna contact the living Not sure I understand This role I've been given Not sure I understand Not sure I understand Not sure I understand Not sure I understand

คอร์ด เนื้อเพลง Strong Robbies Williams Chordza

คอร์ด เนื้อเพลง Strong Robbies Williams Chordza

My breath smells of a thousand fags And when I'm drunk I dance like me Dad I've started to dress a bit like him Early morning when I wake up I look like Kiss but without the make up And that's a good line to take it to The bridge And you know and you know Cos my life's a mess And I'm trying to grow so before I'm old I'll confess You think that I'm strong you're wrong You're wrong I'll sing my song my song my song My bed's full of takeaways and fantasies Of easy lays The pause button's broke on my video And is this real cos I feel fake Oprah Winfrey Ricki Lake Teach me things I don't need to know And you know and you know Cos my life's a mess And it's starting to show so before I'm old I'll confess You think that I'm strong you're wrong You're wrong I'll sing my song my song my song If I did it all again I'd be a nun The rain was never cold when I was young I'm still young we're still young Life's too short to be afraid Step inside the sun And you know and you know Cos my life's a mess And I'm trying to grow And you know and you know Cos my life's a mess And I'm trying to grow And you know and you know Cos my life's a mess And I'm trying to grow You think that I'm strong you're wrong You're wrong I'll sing my song my song my song You think that I'm strong you're wrong You're wrong I'll sing my song my song my song Life's too short to be afraid So take a pill to numb the pain You don't have to take the blame Life's too short to be afraid So take a pill to numb the pain You don't have to take the blame Life's too short to be afraid So take a pill to numb the pain You don't have to take the blame

เนื้อเพลง คอร์ด เรื่องมันเปลี่ยนไปแล้ว The Begins Chordza

เนื้อเพลง คอร์ด เรื่องมันเปลี่ยนไปแล้ว The Begins Chordza

เหมือนเธอไมคยเปลี่ยนเลย จากวันที่เราใกล..กัน
วิธีที่พูด วิธีหัวเราะ ทาทางเล็กๆ นั้นทํา ใหคิดถึงวัน
ที่ไดใชชีวิตอยูขางเธอ เกือบจะลืมวาในวันนี้
มันเปลี่ยนไปแลว เรื่องมันผานไปแลว
แมอยากกุมมือนั้นของเธอ ตองหัก...หามใจ
มันไมใช เวลา ของฉันเหมือนกอน
ชีวิต ตองเดินตอไป
ฉันนั้นไมเคยเปลี่ยนเลย มารูเมื่อตอนนี้..เอง
จะเจอใครหนาใหม มาก..เทาไร
ผันผาน ชีวิตเรื่องราว ไดพบไดเปน
ก็ยังลืม วาใน วันนี้
มันเปลี่ยนไปแลว เรื่องมันผานไปแลว
แมอยากกุมมือนั้นของเธอ ตองหัก...หามใจ
มันไมใช เวลา ของฉันเหมือนกอน
ชีวิต ตองเดินตอไป
วันนี้เธอคงจะมี ชีวิตของเธอ มันถึงเวลาที่ฉัน
จะตองเดิน ไปมีชีวิต เปนของฉันเอง
(เพราะ มัน เปลี่ยน ไป แลว ) ก็เพราะมันเปลี่ยนไปแลว
แมอยากกุมมือนั้นของเธอ ตองหัก...หามใจ
มันไมใช เวลา ของฉันเหมือนกอน
ชีวิต ตองเดิน...และหมุนตอ....ไป

คอร์ด เนื้อเพลง Angels Robbies Williams Chordza

คอร์ด เนื้อเพลง Angels Robbies Williams Chordza
I sit and wait Does an angel contemplate my fate And do they know The places where we go When we're grey and old 'cos I have been told That salvation lets their wings unfold So when I'm lying in my bed Thoughts running through my head And I feel that love is dead I'm loving angels instead [Chorus] And through it all she offers me protection A lot of love and affection Whether I'm right or wrong And down the waterfall Wherever it may take me I know that life won't break me When I come to call she won't forsake me I'm loving angels instead When I'm feeling weak And my pain walks down a one way street I look above And I know I'll always be blessed with love And as the feeling grows She breathes flesh to my bones And when love is dead I'm loving angels instead [Chorus] And through it all she offers me protection A lot of love and affection Whether I'm right or wrong And down the waterfall Wherever it may take me I know that life won't break me When I come to call she won't forsake me I'm loving angels instead

คอร์ด เนื้อเพลง Something Stupid Robbies Williams Feat.Nicole Kidman Chordza

คอร์ด เนื้อเพลง Something Stupid Robbies Williams Feat.Nicole Kidman Chordza

I know I stand in line Until you think you have the time To spend an evening with me And if we go someplace to dance I know that there's a chance You won't be leaving with me Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place And have a drink or two And then I go and spoil it all By saying something stupid Like I love you I can see it in your eyes You still despise the same old lines You heard the night before And though it's just a line to you For me it's true And never seemed so right before I practice every day to find some clever lines to say To make the meaning come true But then I think I'll wait until the evening gets late And I'm alone with you The time is right Your perfume fills my head The stars get red And oh the night's so blue And then I go and spoil it all By saying something stupid Like I love you I love you...