October 2, 2015

คอร์ด เนื้อเพลง C’mon Everybody Elvis presley

คอร์ด C’mon Everybody Elvis presley | คอร์ดกีต้าร์ C’mon Everybody Elvis presley | คอร์ดเพลง C’mon Everybody Elvis presley | เพลง C’mon Everybody Elvis presley | เนื้อเพลง C’mon Everybody Elvis presley | Chord C’mon Everybody Elvis presley
คอร์ด เนื้อเพลง C’mon Everybody Elvis presley

Come on everybody and snap your fingers now Come on everybody clap your hands real

* Come on everybody take a real deep breath And repeat after me I love my baby I love
my baby Hey, hey, hey and my baby loves me
Come on everybody and whistle this tune right now Come on everybody and stomp your
feet real loud

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** Well there ain't nothing wrong with the long-haired music Like Brahms, Beethoven
and Bach Well I was raised with a guitar in my hand And I was born to rock
Well, come on everybody and turn your head to the left Come on everybody and turn your
head to the right

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